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You Want To Be A Rock Star

A Performer

An Entertainer

A Guitarist And A Singer 





Do you know what it really takes to entertain people?

Have you got that..


…that it takes to be a performer and to entertain?chip-ragsdale-you-can-really-playYou can play that guitar now and you can sing and your ready to go.

You’ve gone to a bunch of open mic nights with your acoustic guitar and jammed.

You busted out with a couple of songs and they sounded great.

The audience even applauded you.

So now what?

Now your ready to hit the pavement and start landing gigs?

You’ve got it all figured out.

You’ve got all your bases covered.

You’re ready for anything that comes your way.

You’ve got the look.

You hold that guitar just right.

You’ve got the stance down.



What else could you possibly need?

After all you can play a few songs and you actually are really good.

So that’s it…You’re ready to go.

Best of luck!




…remind me of myself a long time ago.

All wound up and ready to burst at the seams.

Nothing could hold me back.

I was ready to try anything.

And I did.

I landed on my face more times than on my feet when it came to making decisions as a musician.

So, if you’ll let me…with no intention of casting any kind of doubt as to your established musical status.

Let me just ask you a few questions.

Just a few questions to double check your assumptions that you’re ready to go?

It never hurts to get a…





First Off –  What’s your music style?

What kind of entertainer are you?

Are you flashy, full blown out energy?

Or are you laid back, the mysterious type?

What’s your Stick?

What’s the Hook?

Have you got one?

What is it you think you have that makes you different from thousands of other musicians?

Why are you so special that someone is going to hire you to entertain their customers for an entire evening?



Second – What type of Venues do you plan to play at?

Does your music choice fit only one type of Venue.


Is there an audience for your type of music?

Example: You only play Punk music.

Are there places for you to perform at?

If there’s no “exclusive” Punk venues available in your area…

What do you do?

If you have no Venue issues then…

Can you handle the Bar crowd…the Locals…the Tourist?

Can you get them out on the dance floor?

Can you get them all singing together?

Can you do this for 3 or 4 hours?

How about Private Clubs or Country Clubs?

Parties – Private or Business?

Are you prepared to play in all types of places and environments:

Indoors or Outdoors?

Parking lots, Stores, On the beach, On a cruise ship, On street corners?

At Fairs, Festivals, On a Pirate Ship?

On the 10th floor of a resorts Cocktail Lounge and Dinning area?

How about 4 hours pool side with all ages and lots of children running around?

Can you handle doing Weddings?

Do you plan on being In a band?

Or are you going to tough it out on your own as a one-man-show?



Third – How’s your appearance?

Have you got your look down?

Does it fit your music style?

Do you portray the image you want for yourself?

What shape is your wardrobe in?

Is it presentable?

People will be watching you…watching every move you make.

And what shape are you in?

Do you look the way you want to look?

Is your appearance presentable looking?

Remember…your going to work for somebody at their place of business representing them.



Fourth – Are you any good?

If so…


How long can you entertain an audience for?

Can you do 4 hours…straight?

How much material do you have?

Enough for 4 hours without repeating any one of your songs.

How good is your material?

Do you play a variety of styles: Country, Blues, Sixties, Pop, Rock?


Or do you play just one style?



Fifth – What does your playlist look like?

Does your music entertain all the audience, or just some…or just yourself?

Who in the audience are you playing for, who are you trying to reach?

What do you do when you have to play to a mixed group of customers?

Young, old, men, woman, boys, girls, little kids?



Sixth – Do you have your own gear?

Is your gear any good?

Do you take care of it properly?

Do you wipe done all your instruments after each time you play them?

Do you have carrying cases or special bags to carry your gear…no scratches or dings right?


How’s the quality of the sound coming out of your speakers?

Does your mixing board do it for you…produces the sound you want?

Does your system sound good indoors and outdoors?

Can you get a full, rich sound if you have to play outdoors?

Can you handle sudden weather changes while playing outdoors?

What if it rains?


What if it snows?


Can you cover your gear quickly?

Did you bring something to cover your gear?



Seventh – Do you have any special effects, lighting, stage props?

Do they all work properly?

Got extra light bulbs?

Got backup fuses?

Got extra batteries?

Backup cables?

Backup microphone?

Backup guitar?

Got extra guitar strings?

Did you bring extra picks, your capo, pad and pen, your Tip Jar?

Your glasses (if you wear or need them) and a backup pair?

Got a sweat rag?

Got an equipment wipe off rag?

Bottle of water, mints?

Copies of Playlist to hand out?

Sign-Up sheet to get on your mailing list?



Eight – Do you have transportation for your equipment?

Is it dependable?

What’s your plan for when your ride breaks down?

What do you do when your late for the gig?

What do you do if you can’t make the performance at all and have to cancel?

What do you do if you can’t get your vehicle started after the gig?



Nine – Are you ready to tear down your equipment at home and load it up?

Get to the gig an hour or so ahead of starting time?

Are you ready to spend time traveling to the performance?

You have to unload the equipment and haul it to where ever your stage is to be.

Can all your equipment fit into the area where you are going to play?

Now you have to setup all your equipment…”Where’s that electrical outlet?”Is everything working?

Are you prepared for a piece of equipment to not be working?

What do you do when a piece of equipment stops working during the gig?

Do you go home and cry…or does the show go on?

Can you fix/repair any of your equipment if something goes wrong?

How’s everything sounding?


Mic check 1-2-3.

Mic check 1-2-3.



Ten – Have you played in front of a live audience?

Do you have any performing skills?

What’s your stage presence like?

Do you put on a show for a song when you play it?

Or do you just wing it and let it come out naturally?

Are you a good front person?

Can you carry on a conversation in between songs?

chip-ragsdale-trying-to-convince-youDo you have good speaking skills?

Are you quick of wit?

Can you control a crowd?



Eleven – Audiences get bored rather quickly.

Can you get the party started again?

Can you play your material on the fly, or do you have to follow a strict play list?

Are you able to lead your audience on a musical journey during your sets?

Can you deal with not knowing a song that someone is requesting you to play?

Can you deal with not knowing 5 or 6 song requests from the same person?

Can you handle performing a Happy Birthday or Anniversary moment  for a customer.

Can you handle no applause after you perform a song?

How about 5, 6 or 10 songs with no applause…can you handle that?

Can you keep the audience interested in you for 4 hours?


Can you keep up the party attitude throughout your sets?

How long can you keep a customer from wanting to pay their bar tab and leave?

Can you handle people walking out on you while your playing?


How’s it gonna make you feel when there’s no tips after playing for 4 hours?

Can you party and perform at the same time?

Can you drink and perform at the same time?

You set the mood for the evening.

What’s it gonna be?

Party – Drink – Perform.


Party – Drink – ??????

Can you handle different types of crowds?


Can you handle a heckler?

Can you handle a fight breaking out?


What do you do when someone accidentally breaks a piece of your equipment?



Twelve – When do you plan on being available to perform?

What days?

What hours?

What if you get a call to fill in for a no show at an establishment that knows you?

Can you drop everything in a heart-beat and cover for the evening?

How long are you planning on playing for?

How long are your sets going to be?

How many songs per each set?

How long are your breaks going to be?

Can you handle playing for long periods of time?

Can you play for the standard gig time of 3 or 4 hours straight?


chip-ragsdale-all-of-your-gigsThirteen – Do you have any gigs lined up yet?

How do you plan on getting gigs?

Are there venues around your area that cater to your style of music?

Are they going to hire you?

Why would they do that?

What do you have to offer them…what’s in it for them?

Are you a…


Are you going to bring your…


…with you to increase bar sales?

It’s all about business my friend…it’s all about the Benjamin’s.

So why are they going to want to hire you?



Fourteen – How much are you planning on charging?

Are you charging by the hour?

Are you going to charge a set fee per each performance?

How much are you actually willing to take?

What’s your bottom line?


What’s that rock bottom figure you are willing to sell your soul for?

Are you going to offer…



If you plan on being in a band…what’s your cut going to be for the evening?




Fifteen – How much are you going to add onto you performance charge for incidental items such as:

Tearing down your equipment at home.

Loading up your equipment.

Driving to the performance.

Unloading your equipment.

Navigating through customers and obstacles to get to the days performance stage

Setup all equipment.

Hook up all the wiring and cables.

Setup lighting and any special effects.

Sound checking and visual checks of placement of equipment.

Time to play…

this is what you’re paid for.

Now it’s back to what your’re not paid for:

Take down all lighting and special effects.

Unhook and wind up all cabling and wires.

Gather up all equipment into one area.

Check that you have everything.

Start loading your equipment back into your vehicle.

Navigating once again through the sea of customers.

This time they are totally unaware that you are trying to get by.

Then you have to hang out with your friends or the customers and drink with them for a while.

We certainly don’t want to be rude now would we?

Besides, your ego might receive a compliment about your nights performance.

Especially if you had a great one. OH YEAH!

Can you handle having to chase down the person who suppose to pay you for the evening?

Can you handle not getting paid for that nights performance?

Can you handle getting paid less than what was agreed on?


Always make sure you get your money!

Now you have to drive home.

Unload your equipment back into your house.

And set it all up again.

So…how much do you add onto the bill for all of that?


Sixteen – Of course we must not forget about your Branding.

Do you have a logo?

Do you have a business card?

Do you have a Website – A Blog –  Are you on Facebook?

Do you have videos of past performances to show examples of your talents?

How about song samples to showcase your playing and singing?

Have you got a Mission Statement describing your purpose and your ethics?

Have you got an events calendar?

A booking system?

Press Releases.

Photos from gigs you’ve played.



Seventeen – Marketing…

Are you using it?

Have you made any CD’s?

Are you selling them?

Are you making videos of yourself playing?

Are you recording samples of your music playing live?

Do you make flyers to display ahead of time where you are going to play soon?



Eighteen – Do you have a Manager?

Do you want one?

Should you get one?



Nineteen – Once again…lets go over the evenings itinerary to put the show on.

This is what’s ahead of you for the evening!

Main Event – A 4 hour gig taking six, seven, eight maybe up to 10 hours to complete?

Tear down your equipment at home and load it up?

Leave early. You have to get to the gig an hour or so ahead of playing to setup?

Now spend time traveling on the road to get to the performance?

Unload the equipment and haul it to where ever your stage is to be?

Where’s the electricity?


Is everything going to work?

Got backup equipment on hand with you?

Got that flashlight handy?

Is that thing plugged in?????


Now that the gig is over…

Spend another hour or so after the gig to tear down and pack up the equipment?

Spend another half hour talking and drinking with customers as you try to pack up?

Pay for your drinks or for your food you consumed at the performance?

Not every place gives them to you for…


(Always check first before you order that first beer.)

Hunt down the ‘Money Man’ so you can get paid for the evenings gig?

Spend more time traveling back home?

 Unload your equipment when you get home and set it up again?

(After all you do have to rehearse until the next gig.)


You have to pack up again for your next gig and start the whole process over again and again.



Twenty – Are you prepared to rehearse daily?

Are you prepared to keep up with your style of entertainment…latest material, songs?

Are you keeping up with the latest trends, fads, slang of your musical style?


chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-breakchip-ragsdale-for-one-night-onlyAll the above tasks must be performed to produce just one nights performance.

That’s right…


This is all done just for one show!

Can you handle that over and over again?



Twenty One – On top of that you do have a real life don’t you?

Do you go to school?

Do you have a job?

Do you have a family?

A wife, a husband?

Have a bunch of children?

And then there’s that thing called responsibility!


…I’m sure your familiar with the term.

How’s your financial situation?

Can you afford to be ONLY a musician and survive?


After reading all the above questions and statements is your head spinning?

My fingers are sore just from typing them in.

The question now is…

Do you still want to be a…


chip-ragsdale-you-still-want-tooDO YOU?








Well…Do you?








Take your time…think about it.










No pressure.










You still want too eh?

Well then my friend…chip-ragsdale-you-are-really-awesomeNow that you have made this commit to yourself…

Say good-bye to your life as you now know it.

And ‘Welcome’ to the world of…


You’ll soon be seeing stars!




As you start out on your journey to becoming a performer.

You have to look at the whole picture honestly if you plan to seriously go out trying to get gigs.

You have to be ready to go.

What happens if you do get a GIG?

Are you truly prepared to go and perform for the whole evening?

You have to know what your doing and how to handle yourself.

Believe me you do not want something going wrong at a gig and not be able to cope with it.

It’s not a good feeling when you have to stop and cancel the nights performance.

Especially when it’s due to a minor problem that you can’t resolve or fix.


And double on that not a good feeling if it’s due to your own stupidity.

Forgot to bring that extra pack of strings.

How about that pack of twenty batteries sitting at home in a drawer…all you need is just one!

That could be the end of you performing at the venue…forever.



Remember there’s a lot of other musicians out there.

Any one of them would be glad to replace you and fill that spot wherever you might be playing.


What can I say, that’s the reality and the nature of the music business.



When you land a booking you’ll be lucky if you get booked for more than one night.

Or if you can land one night a month you’re really lucky.

That is great but that’s just one gig, one night, once a month.

You’ve now got to go out and sell yourself all over again to someone else to get one more nights gig.

Then you have to do it again and again and again.

There are only so many places that hire live music performers, and only so many spots to fill.

But there are no shortages of musicians to fill them.


There’s lots of competition out there.

Believe me, most are extremely great musicians and fierce competitors.

And some are outright back stabbers that can’t be trusted.

You’ve got to be careful and watch your back at all times.



A musicians life is a hard one.

You just want to play music but life has other plans for you.

A mass of obligations must be met on a daily basis.

Life’s little curve ball she throws at you.

Family, school, work, sleep and all the stuff that happens in between.

Doesn’t leave much free time for your music does it?

But a true musician struggles on into the night and finds his moments and grabs them…and plays!



I hope the above questions and statements haven’t given you cause to doubt whether or not you want to be an entertainer.

My only goal is to expose you to some of the realities that are waiting for you once you commit to being a performer.

Once you open that door…you better be ready to step through it.

Because once you start the ball rolling…

You set the game in motion and you’d better be ready to play!



I will be writing individual posts responding to each of the above questions and statements.

Hopefully you will come back in the future and follow up on my responses.

Until then…chip-ragsdale-good-luck-to-you



chip-ragsdale-thank-you-colored-blocksFor visiting my Blog.



…my Website.

My Blog (where you are now) is where I share with you the stories of my ‘Personal Life’ and my experiences as a ‘Musician’.

My Website is where you will find the ‘Business’ aspects of my ‘Music Career’.

Questions concerning Pricing, Booking, What style music I play, Where I am currently performing can all be answered there.

Click on the link below…





Want to be kept up to date as to When and Where I will be performing next?

Or be notified when I release a new Post on my Blog?

Click Link below to…


Now you will always be up to date.


Always remember.

No matter where you go…

There you are.



So You Want To Be A Rock Star