WEBSITE AND BLOG MENUS – TOP OF PAGE                                                                                                       


Everyday I try my hardest to get out and go for a walk.chip-ragsdale-try-to-walk-daily

And every day I try my hardest to write something for my Blog.


Usually failing at one of them before the day’s over.

Or both.


I like to walk early in the morning.

I try to head out at 5:00 am to 5:30 am when I can and weather permitting.

I love the dark and the quietness of the morning.

I walk two miles in sort of a brisk walk.

It’s pretty dark out when I leave and the sun is just breaking by the time I return home.

It’s just me, the sidewalk, the darkness and a sky full of stars.

It’s not as easy as it sounds getting up and hitting the bricks and start walking first thing in the morning.


It’s the time that I prefer to do it so I have to man up with my decision…right?

I have to live with my defeat each day when I miss going for my walk.

But one goes on and the next day I try again.

chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-breakI love writing and I’m always working on at least two Posts at the same time.

Along with the other twenty or thirty things I always seem to be doing.

When I write…I write a lot.

Usually 3,000 to 13,000 words per Post.

But that takes a while to complete.

Especially when adding graphics, animations and music.

The time to create a Post for me ranges from 50 to 100 hours.

My last Post “Nothing to do about Nothing” took 112 hours to create and Publish.

My dilemma is that I want to Post something everyday if I can.

And coming up with a new idea for a Blog post every day isn’t easy.


Also, it’s hard for me to just say a few words about an issue.

I write on the fly…which means I fly when I write.

My thoughts come so fast at times that my writing or typing goes off the charts.

I actually have to slow down at times.

My fingers can’t keep up with my thoughts.

A.D.S. I guess.

Thank goodness for Spell Check!


What’s The Problem?

I want to Post something every day.

And I want to walk everyday.

So how can I do both each day?

How can I add to my possibilities of having success with either of these passions of mine.

What would it take to increase my odds for accomplishment.

I have two simple task that I want to do each day and yet I am having trouble doing them.

Or I can do one but not the other.

It’s discouraging to not be able to do things that you want to do.

How am I going to resolve this problem?

How am I going to get myself motivated to walk everyday and to Post everyday?

What Magical Button can I push to get some HELP!How can I Walk everyday and Post everyday?

What to do?

What can I do?

I Wanna Walk and I Wanna Post.



Walk and Post.

Walk – And – Post


Why not do both at the same time?

While I’m walking why don’t I think of something to write about.

A walk thought.

Something that just comes into my mind.

Pick a thought as I walk and think about it.

Make it something interesting and quirky.

Then try to get that thought down to it’s simplest form.

Get it down to say 5 to 10 sentences.

This way by the time I get home I will have slimmed down my thought.

I will have it down to something I can Post quickly before I forget it all.

Now each time I take a walk I will be able to Post out a quickie the same day.

Helping me to resist my over obsessiveness to write and write and write on the subject at hand.


My Walk Thoughts will be formulated from a subject I come up with as I walk in the mornings.

These Walk Thoughts will be a thoughtful Quote of sorts about the Subject I come up with while walking.

A thought that I have while I’m taking my morning walk.

A walking thought.

A Walk Thought.

A Chip’s Walk Thought.

Hence A new Series is created


A thought I had when I walked.

I hope you will enjoy my little Walk Thoughts as much as I’m going to enjoy thoughtfully having them.

We’ll see how long this lasts?

Ideas always sound good on paper!


My first ‘Walk Thought’…

Always remember.

No Matter Where You Go…

There You Are
