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Why was there a Law created to stop everyone from working on Sundays back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s?

What does a gas shortage and the Women’s Rights Movement have to do with any of it.

What were the reasons the Law was Repealed allowing everyone to return to work on Sundays?

Keeping a promise I made while writing another Post, I stated that I’d “give my thoughts” on the above subjects.

I now present that Posting to you.

chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-breakchip-ragsdale-its-just-an-opinionThe following statements are only my opinions and this is just my take on the subject.

I have no facts or any unnamed “Sources” that have fed me Secret Government Documents exposing a massive conspiracy.

What I do have is a living experience of what took place.

I was there.

I saw the changes that were starting to occur throughout the United States that were directly related to these subjects.

The decisions that all companies close their doors on Sundays and then the reversing of that decision.

Mix that in with a Country facing a massive gasoline shortage.

Add the rebellion of the women of the world.

Women quitting their “Jobs at home” going out into the real world to get a “Real job”.

Was this the “Beginning” of the “End” of the Family Unit?

chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-breakchip-ragsdale-just-the-word-so…what was all this about anyway?

Let’s take a look and see what we can find out.chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break


I guess the best place to start my discussion on the matter would be with the Laddies first.

As a Gentleman it is always “laddies First”.

It was the mid 1960’s.

The World was so blind sighted by the Women’s Movement.

Their quest to be ‘Free’ to leave the Home Front and go out into the ‘Real’ world and get a job!

Well this shook the very fiber of Society at the time.

Be “Free to go to work?”

That doesn’t sound quite right to me.

But…that’s what the women of the world wanted.

It’s kinda hard to try and explain just what was going on at the time.

There’s an old expression I think describes the period best… chip-ragsdale-its-a-mans-worldYes it seems that it really was that way.

Woman were waking up to the reality that they were being treated very unfairly.

In so many ways.

“A woman’s place was in the home.” was also a popular saying back in those days.

This Women’s Movement went into the late 1960’s and eventually gave us the infamous saying.

Woman of the world…




Women won their battle and joined the work force.

Thrown in the mix at that time was a Massive Gas shortage that hit the entire United States.

Then add a Law to make it illegal to work on Sundays.

This was definitely a Disaster waiting to happen.

The Government had just seen an opportunity to increase their intake of taxes as the laddies joined the work force.

Now this pesky Gas shortage had to come along and ruin everything.

The Government was getting taxes from two paychecks from every household.

There’s no contest as to who was going to win this battle in the end.

It was going to be:

Game over.

Government 1 – Families 0.

Reverse the Law.

Make it legal to work on Sunday’s again!

By doing this one little act the Government helped cause an effect in this country that now seems to be irreversible.

The tearing apart of the family unit had begun.

As I mentioned earlier, this is…chip-ragsdale-just-my-opinion-again…about this subject.


Sometimes when we find ourselves…


at the past.

What we see can leave us scratching our heads.

Some of the Laws that have governed us throughout the years is a good example of such a “head scratching”.

What brought this subject up was a piece in a post that I was writing…

“Who is Chip Ragsdale – Introduction”

Here is the…chip-ragsdale-word-excerpt-in-red…from that Post that this Post is addressing.



It was a Sunday.

There was no one around uptown.

All the stores and restaurants were closed.

The only thing that was open was a gas station.

It was near the highway where I had been dropped off two days ago.

Back in the late 1970’s into the 1980’s it was unlawful to work on Sundays.

It’s the truth.

Businesses were not allowed to be open.

No commercial trucks were allowed to be on the roads or the highways.

The only businesses that were allowed to be open were certain gas stations, a convenience store and a few Restaurants.

Of course the Police, Hospitals and Churches were included.

That was it.

No exceptions!

You want milk or cigarettes, be prepared for a fifteen to twenty minute trip to the nearest store.

And by the way…that’s one way only.

Blue Laws they were called.

You were also allowed to carry a shotgun to church with you.

Just in case you are attacked by hostile Indians on the way.

Absolutely no businesses were allowed to be open.

No work was allowed…it was against the Law.

Can you even imagine that happening today?


Sundays were to be a day of rest and relaxation.

A day of fun.

A day to be with your Family and with your God…

I will be writing a post on this subject.

This post will take a look at why we took Sundays off and why that practice changed.


To read the entire Post that this excerpt came from click on the following link.



chip-ragsdale-its-just-mine-opinionThe reasons that our country enjoyed having Sundays as a day to be with family and God seems pretty evident.

People worked hard Monday thru Saturday and declaring Sunday a day of rest and no work made sense.

Those are lovely thoughts but that’s NOT the reason why NO WORK was allowed on Sundays.



The next fact that happened as the Women were gaining their Freedom to go to work.

There was a…


…that was hitting our country at the same time and it was hitting us hard.


This was the real reason the decision to stop work on Sundays was made.

Lines of cars waiting to fill there tanks with the liquid gold at the time.

It was amazing seeing the lengths of the lines of cars.

Countless amounts of people ran out of gas while waiting in line.

It was a mess…and it didn’t get any better for quite some time.

Unfortunately I spent my share of time sitting in those lines with my fellow citizens.

Several times I waited for nothing…the gas would run out.


And this is after sitting in line for over an hour.

Gas rationing started.

Half a tank only at first then 10 gallons only, then down to 5 gallons only.


Limited dollar amounts started next.

Then odd and even ending numbers on your licence plates.

chip-ragsdale-gas-shortage-image-thirteenDue to the public hording the gas.

Now the gas station attendant would put his head in your car and check your gas gauge.

At that time you “weren’t allowed” to pump your own gas.

There was a gas station attendant to do that for you.

That’s right.

There was an actual job know as “Gas Station Attendant” back in the day


“What will it be today…fill her up?”

“Would you like me to check under the hood for you?”

“Need some oil today?”

They would put gas in your gar, check under the hood to see if all was okay, put air in your tires.

Then they’d wash your windshield for you.

No extra charge and no tip expected…it was their job.

These days it seems like all you get is the rolling of the eyes, a look and a smirk.

And that’s for asking for a receipt for the gas that you just pumped yourself.

You’re asking because there was no paper to print out your receipt from the gas pump.

And there wasn’t any in there 3 days ago either!

It was starting to get scary out there.

Someone would pull up to the pump, fill their cars tank then start to fill 3 or 4 or more gas cans.

Fights were starting to increase.


People trying to cut in line or just out of frustration at any infraction of the law of the land.

The sales of Locking Gas Caps went through the roof.

People were stealing gas out of cars while their owners slept through the night.

By stopping work on Sundays throughout the country this would help conserve gas it was thought.


No cars on the roads going to and from work for just one day would save a ton of gas was evident.

Diesel engine cars came into the market place with a roar…diesel gas was cheaper and available.


So the LAW was created and we stayed home on Sundays.

As time went on, “We the People” found this to be a good thing.

Although at times it was inconvenient not having stores or companies open on Sundays.

It was…chip-ragsdale-was-it-worth-itBecause after a while it truly seemed that this was the proper order of things.

Families being together…what a wonderful thought.


So not working on Sundays was the law now and was in full enforcement.

There were minor protests at first but their voices were drowned out by those of us who enjoyed the new ruling.


As you can see the reasons for starting “Not working on Sundays” seemed reasonable and understandable.

The reasons that we stopped that practice and returned to working on Sundays are a little more complicated.

Or are they?


The following once again is just my take on why we returned to work on Sundays.

Why we stopped Sundays from being a day of Rest, Family, God, to conserve on gas…and not to Work.

And why we changed the Law back allowing companies and businesses to return to being open and working on Sundays.

Why did we indeed?



As I mentioned at the start of this post, my country was changing dramatically.

During the ‘Bra Burning’ period of America’s History woman were fighting for their basic rights as human beings.

A big push for woman to leave their “jobs at home” for  “jobs in the workplace” was in full force.

Woman wanted their freedom…and it wasn’t just their breast they wanted to set free.

They wanted their very life’s set free.


This was being promoted at the time as…

“Woman of the world…free yourselves from the chains of being a Housewife.”

“Free yourselves from the slavery you have been forced into.”

“You are a prisoner of your own home.”

“Your husband and your children leave happily each day to venture out into the world.”

“While you are left to spend your entire day preparing for their return home.”

“Then you’re given the honor of waiting on them hand and foot for the rest of the evening.”

“So tell me sister…Is this your life?”

“Do you feel that you have no identity?”

“Are you being taken for granite?

“No matter how much you do, your family only demands more and more from you.”

“Where’s my shoes?”

“Is breakfast ready yet?”

“Is lunch ready yet?”

“Is supper ready yet?”

“Did you do the laundry?

“Did you do the food shopping?”

“Did you pickup the dogs medicine at the vets yet?”

“Did you go to the school today and speak with the teacher?”

“Did you make those phone calls to square away the problems we have with everything?

“Did you get our children to the doctors today?”

“Did you run those errands I asked you to do for me?”

“Did you pick up my suit at the cleaners, wash the dishes, clean the house, sew that hole in my shirt?”

“Honey would you get my slippers and bring me a martini, ‘shaken not stirred’ of course.”

“I’ll be sitting in the throne room upon my throne waiting.”


chip-ragsdale-woman-from-the-movementThere was no shortages of woman who wanted to personally lead their fellow sisters into battle.

And there were no shortages of talking points for them to use to make clear their message.

“A woman’s work is never done.”

“It’s a thankless job!”

“You get zero respect.”

“When they get home it’s all about their day…their problems, their concerns, their opinions.”

“Why isn’t being a Housewife thought of as a job?”

“You work all day…hubby and the children come home…you work all night.”

“When was the last time you ate a hot meal…or when someone fixed you a meal?”

“And at bed time…Whose always in the mood and wants it right now?”

“Why do you do all that work at home and not get paid for it?”


“Why do you let your family take advantage of you?”

“What do you think they would have to pay you for what you do as a housewife?”

“How much an hour do you make as a housewife?”

“How much would your husband have to pay you an hour for all you do at home?”



So the answer they came up with to “free themselves” was to leave their homes and “get a job”.

Quit their jobs at home and go to work for someone else.

And leave the homes they did.

Now the Work Place became their new families that they started taking care of.

Neither parent was home during the day to take care of their children.

Neither parent was home now when their children came home after school.

Hence new services needed to be created to fill this void in the family unit.

This was a moment in our history I feel that contributed to the beginning of the end for our Social Structure.

The very fabric that held our Country together was beginning to rip, tearing apart at the seams.

This was happening globally as well.


Woman started getting jobs.

Lots of woman were getting jobs.

So many that no matter where you looked there were woman working.

Not just in the office or in the Hospitals…Oh no.


They were doing men’s jobs.

Driving trucks.

Working in garages.

Painters, construction workers, cab drivers, the police…every aspect of the working force.

I had my own personal experience with women coming into the work force.

I was a Printed Circuit Board Designer in a large Electronics company.

For my first nine years in the industry there was never a women in the drafting room.


Not one.

Until one day…it happened.

I’m not saying anything was wrong with that, it’s just that the whole atmosphere of the business changed.

Nothing was the same anymore.

You had to be careful of what you said.

No more colorful jokes.

No more burping and farting.

On no, that all changed.

There were ladies present now.

It changed the way we worked, the way we acted and the way we talked to each other.

The way the guys use to communicate with each other started to disappear.

The flow of design ideas changed.

They became less spontaneous.

For example: If an idea came to you while working on a project.

It wasn’t out of the ordinary to shout out a few curse words along with your new idea due to your excitement.

Plus the fear of forgetting about it until you could discuss it in a meeting.

Throwing it out on the floor for discussion while the other guys were still working was totally excepted…and was expected.

This would be followed by the usual banter of comments from the peanut galley of coworkers being thrown back at you.

That effortless flow of thought and reaction started to change.

Several meetings I had to attend titled “Proper Workplace Behavior”.

This was due to female complaints and charges of abuse, harassment and misconduct.

That changed everything.

Over time guys started excepting the female invasion and were getting pretty cozy with them.

Real COZY!

Guys started having affairs with their fellow female workers.

Cheating on their wives.

And the women cheating on boyfriends and husbands.

The occasional lunch date leading to a little “Afternoon Delight” romp in the back seat of the car.

It was shameful to watch and to be a part of it.


Yes I fell prey to the temptations myself.

Something I’m not very proud of.

I abandoned my commitment to my wife and to myself.

I snuck off into the darkness with another woman that I worked with.

It was discovered.

My ugly little secret was uncovered.

I had to look into my wife’s eyes and watch as I broke her heart and crushed her soul admitting my guilt.

I was never able to repair the damage I had done.

She was never able forgave me.

Why should she.

I’ve heard that speaking the truth in any matter will set you free and bring peace to your soul.

Well let me tell you that it doesn’t.

As I write these words of confession to all of you my shame is still unbearable.

Saying or writing about the experience doesn’t erase the look that I saw within my X-wife’s eyes that day.

I watched helplessly as my dagger of deceit cut into her heart.

Her innocents was gone…it had been striped away from her.

She had just found out there was no Santa Clause.

No Prince Charming.

And no…

“Happily Ever After”

I had taken all of that from her.

Telling this story of my deceit doesn’t change one thing about the way I feel about myself.

Nor does it take away any of the pain that I caused her.

I am truly sorry Diane.


Yes this type of behavior was happening in a lot of other companies as well.

Welcome to the workforce Ladies, your mom’s were proud of ya’s.



Woman wanted to work and there was nothing going to stop them.


There were so many woman getting jobs that men were starting to have trouble finding work.

A women was now being hired over a man?

And why was that?

Woman were being hired at a lower rate of pay than their male counter parts to do the same exact job.

Referring back to the drafting room days…

As Designers we were making $19.00 an hour to start in that position.

The new girl came in at $11.00 an hour.

And she had more education than most of her fellow male employees.

That trend was catching on rather quickly.

Why hire a man for ten dollars an hour when you can hire a woman for six dollars an hour.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see were this was heading.


If you don’t…

Someone else will.

Day Care, Baby Sitting Services, After School Programs, Project Head Start, Lock-Key Children, Home Alone Children.

YMCA and YWCA After School and Summer Programs.

Preschool started.

Churches were pitching in also.

They now were becoming day care services on Sundays.

Drop your child off after Church.

We’ll take care of them while you go to work for half a day.

We have plenty of things we want “them to learn” anyway.

And the biggest benefactor of all…The Streets.


The streets opened up it’s arms and all that were left alone to fend for themselves were welcomed in.

All the above organizations were now becoming the new Mothers and Fathers of our country.

These were the ones bringing up and taking care of our children now.

They were the new teachers of our Social Structure.

The new nurturers of Society.


Of course the Government loved it.

Two people working in one household, we can’t let this stop, twice the amount of taxes!

You can bet that they saw an opportunity to make some money on this deal.

And they certainly weren’t going to miss out on it.

And they didn’t.

They loved raking in those taxes now being withdrawn from TWO paychecks from every household.

They didn’t care that the very fabric of our society was beginning to be torn apart.

Divorce rate was going up.

People started living together before getting married now…afraid to commit to each other.

Teen pregnancy went up.

Running away from home was happening in epidemic numbers.

Homeless people were appearing in cities in larger numbers.

People were now being classified.

This was also a turning point in my country.

All of a sudden people now had new identities.

We were becoming a Country of Slashes (/).

Everyone now was Something – Slash (/) – American.









Nobody was just an American anymore.

Identity Politics as we call it today.

Politically Correct the word of the day.

We discovered there were a lot more colors in the world other than Black and White…these were just the beginning.

We’re a Rainbow of colors now.

The family unit has not recovered since that time.

Nor has our Country.

And now…we’re not quite sure what sex we are.

At birth your parents can now declare you as Male, Female or X.

This will be determined by the new born when they decide what they feel comfortable with.

And…the Olympics are considering no longer requiring athletics to register as male or female.

If you are a male and you feel you want to compete as a woman…who cares!

And vice-versa of course.

We don’t even know if we are male or female anymore?

Good luck with that in the future!



Can anyone explain to me why?

Why all of a sudden the head of the household could no longer earn enough money to support their family?

They had lived this way their entire lives just as their fathers and mothers before them.

One member worked hard and in the end was able to support their entire family.

And believe me, people had large families then.


I can’t tell you the number of families I knew that had five, six, seven even nine children.

A family that my brother and I use to be dropped off at for baby-sitting purposes had a lot of children.

This family had nineteen children.

That’s right, 19 children!

Just what they needed, two more children to look after.

My brother and I blended in well with the motley crew of nineteen.

I remember having the wildest of times when we were there.

Ah yes, I feel another Post coming on about the ‘Family of 19’.

Look for that one…I do have a few good tales to tell about the adventures with them.


So, why was it now impossible for them to do that anymore?

Why couldn’t a bread winner for the family of one to nineteen children provide for them anymore?

It breaks my heart knowing that I went through that period of time not realizing what was happening.

Not for one moment was I aware of the things that were really happening and changing around me.

I didn’t see the connection between the two.

Women wanting their freedom and how that could lead to the deterioration of the family unit.

I got it.

I did.

I understood women’s plight.

Whether the women knew it or not at the same time men were fighting for our…

chip-ragsdale-its-a-mans-freedom…as well.

Anyway none of us were aware of the changes that were beginning to take place.

We didn’t see the forces that were pushing the country in certain directions.

And yes…this contributed to the allowing of businesses to start working on Sundays.

The Government wanted that money back that they were losing just from that one day of work.

It was driving them crazy.

Movements were started to overturn the newly created Law.

Yes they were trying real hard to have it repealed.

But they started to return people back to work even though the Law was in effect.

Slowly at first.

Half days only.

Only the necessities.

This was happening more and more.

One of the other reasons that contributed to all of this.

The cost of living.

Everything started to cost more…and I do mean everything.

It now took two people working to afford to live.

Not only did it take two people working but two people working on Sundays also.

Once it started, there was no turning back.

And it never has.

I’m sure that only people my age remember this.

And probably half of them right now are saying…

“I forgot all about businesses having to be closed on Sundays.”


Greed throughout the country started setting in.

Everybody liked that extra money coming in.

They liked it a lot.


Companies were coming up with excuses to stay opened that extra half day on Sundays.

And the companies had no problem with their employees lining up for the extra work.

Soon everything became a necessity.

The world all of a sudden couldn’t survive without buying that necessary…


You gotta have that.

The Government loved it.

All that lost money was starting to come back to them.

This time though…it was “Over Time Money”.

Not only did this bring in more money through taxing that extra earned income.

Because of working ‘Over Time’ people were being placed into the next Tax Bracket above what they were in.

Not only more money now we can Tax them at a higher rate.

It didn’t take them too much longer after staring the “Half Day” work day until the full day was allowed again.

At first there were protests from lots of people.

From many groups and organizations.

An invasion of the “peoples rights”.

This was the “will of God that man rest and be with his family”.

“How dare you make the family separate on Sundays”.

The biggest one: “We are finally CONSERVING GASOLINE!”

“Why in Heavens name would you want to return back to the way things use to be?”


They never answered…they just repealed the Law.

The Politicians and the Lobbyist were very happy.

Over time the protesting slowly started to stop.

No one came to the Protests anymore.

There was no one left to protest.

We were all at work…working! 



Not only were we allowed to go back to work on Sunday’s.

Now the women were joining the work force in droves.

And the Family Unit, well…it was on the Road To Ruin!

I saw the effects of this change in the social order of things in my own family.

My first marriage was a disaster in so many ways.

Not only did my X-wife and I suffer from this change, our two boys also fell victim to it’s crushing blow.

The X and I both had to work…we had no other choice.

There was no way I could swing it on my own…no way at all.

Because of us both working the boys went at first to baby sitters before we went to work

They had the boys all day as we worked.

Then I would pick them up after work.

When they got a little older it was off to child care providers.

The next step was Day Care.

Then finally they started going to public school.

Then started the After School Programs, followed by the last phase…”Home Alone” for hours.

We would either pick them up at the school or hopefully find them at home after we got home from work.

Forget about trying to fix supper and sit down as a family unit to eat a meal.

The X and I were hardly home at the same time anymore.


She worked the night shift.


I took on the day shift.

Passing strangers saying “Good Morning”, “Good Night” and “Good-Bye” in the same sentence.

The boys had Sports, Cub Scouts, Friends, the Mall.

McDonald’s and Burger King prepared our evening meals for us now.

The X started feeling bad that she wasn’t for-filing her motherly duties and started over compensating.

She was buying them anything they wanted.

Behind my back she was doing their chores and telling me they did them so they’d get their allowances.

She felt guilty not spending time with her boys.

And the boys…oh yes the boys!

They became great liars and sneaks.

They became real pros at it actually.

No one was around after school for hours as they got a little older.

Started hanging around with the wrong guys…trouble.

Started smoking cigarettes, smoking pot.

When I would talk with them I never knew if they were telling me the truth or not?

I’m sorry to admit that I haven’t heard from either of my boys in years.

How sad is that?

The last time I did hear from them…

To be honest with you It doesn’t really matter what was talked about then.

They obviously don’t want anything to do with me.


My heart is so heavy with sorrow right now just writing about this.

chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-breakchip-ragsdale-im-growing-up-nowMy life sucked as a child.

My mother married five times.

Terrible abusive men.

Cruel men.

I swore to my self that this was never going to happen to me.

My children will know what love and family mean.

I will not let my children have the kind of life I had as a child growing up.

Well…I failed.

I was Divorced as a husband by my wife and fired as a father by my children.

No matter how hard I tried.

It didn’t matter that we were living in the best towns you could live in to bring up a family.

The best of schools.

The best social structure.

Low crime rate.

None of that mattered.

What mattered was that we were separated as a family.

The family unit didn’t have a chance because Society couldn’t give us that chance.

We weren’t there for our boys.

Other people were.

We weren’t there because we had to work.

We had to earn money.

We both had to work to get that money to survive.

We couldn’t guide our boys and show them by our actions.

We weren’t there…someone else was.

Someone else planted the seeds of life within them…not their mother or me.

All we gave our boys was a constant show of arguing and yelling at each other.

I don’t think they ever saw one moment of kindness shown by my X and myself for each other in front of them.

Not once.

Our jobs were pulling us apart.

Constant bickering over everything.

I can remember pulling up to my house after work and just sitting in the car staring off into the distance.

I didn’t want to go in.

There was no love in that house.

The boys couldn’t care less to see me except that I was home now and they could get a ride someplace.

And for sure the X wasn’t happy to see me.

There was no “Hello darling…I have martinis all ready for us.” followed by a warm welcoming kiss.

No none of that was waiting for me in that house.

The really sad part about all of this was that my X was feeling the same way about me.

She showed her heart, love and soul to another.

And me?

I was shown the door.





The decision that women made to leave their homes to go to work still effects us today.

Was it a good decision or a bad one…who really knows?

There are plenty of Pros and Cons concerning this matter for sure.

The Government is Happy!

Even though there are some disturbing statistics coming out these days.

Through out our country Families are falling apart.

Lack of motherly care and supervision during the day of our children is starting to have an effect on society.

All you have to do is turn on the news for a few minutes to realize that.

Many men today lack the dignity to live up to their actions.

Countless Fatherless homes through out the country.

And now the Government is paying money to unwed women for each child they have to fatherless households.

So now men just move in with women, have babies and collect money for each one they have.

Men are turning into…I don’t know what it is that they are turning into.

To be honest with all of you…I don’t want to know what it is!

“It’s a sad day in Mudsville U.S.A.” they use to say.

Well it’s still a sad day but now it’s “in the U.S.A.”


chip-ragsdale-time-for-a-changeSo many things have changed since that time.

Mostly ‘Little Things’.

But still…things have changed.

We don’t even call our children “CHILDREN” anymore…now they are “KIDS“.

“My kids this”  and “My kids that” and “You kids better do what I tell you.”chip-ragsdale-an-animated-kid-goatI was taught that boys and girls were children…not baby goats.

Well…I think it’s time I should come to a close on this piece now.

The political side of me is starting to come out.


chip-ragsdale-who-is-to-blameWho or What is too blame for the Family Units deterioration over the years?

I guess it really doesn’t matter when it started or where it began or who started it?

All I do know is that it’s here to stay and…

“It ain’t going away too soon!”

By the way “Ain’t, ain’t a word”…at least that’s what I was taught.



chip-ragsdale-is-there-an-answerSo is there an answer?

Will mankind survive in the future without a strong Family Unit?

Or will we become that Test-Tube-Baby-Making world we keep seeing in all the SiFi movies they make?

People only created when required.

No need for Marriage anymore…what’s the point?

Who can tell what the future holds for mankind?

Unfortunately I won’t be here to find out.

But you might be.

You can help save the future…be strong.

Commit yourself to to the cause and fight for your right to…




In conclusion…what can I say?

Was this the beginning of the decline of the the family unit?

Was this due to the mother, the wife, the care giver leaving the home to go to work?

Leaving the children to be raised by social rule…by the forces of an ever changing society?

Do we really know what our children are learning while they are under others supervision?

Think back to how you learned about a lot of life’s little mysteries…and who it was that showed you.



Is it too far fetched to assume that by the simple act of letting people work on Sundays,

helped to cause the beginning of the end of the Family Unit?

We’ll find out someday!



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Always remember.

No matter where you go…

There you are.

