WEBSITE AND BLOG MENUS – TOP OF PAGE                                                                                chip-ragsdale-facebooks-logo-in-blue






How many of you have ever wished that you never signed onto Facebook?

 – OR –

Have wished that you never heard the word Facebook?

How about this one?

That Facebook had never been created?


I’m Not Feeling So Good…

Several months ago I became very sick.

Almost bed ridden…completely out of it.

I had no energy or desire to do anything.

This lasted for almost three months.

I’m serious!

I was useless.

I can’t explain what was happening to me.

I felt terrible and not only did I not want to do anything…

I didn’t do anything.

I let everything slip by me.

Luckily my wife was aware of my situation and she made sure I paid the bills.

Took my medication.


Put on clean clothes everyday.

And kept up with the things that had to be done.

Everything else was left to it’s own means of survival.

One of the things that fell by the wayside.

My constant logging onto Facebook and being on the internet.

Like most people, I’d become addicted to spending way too much time on Facebook and surfing the Net.

Reading everyone’s comments and watching all the amazing videos that are posted.

I could spend an entire lifetime there I’m sure.

Thankfully I have a wife who seems to have more sense than I do.

She is constantly reminding me:

“There are other things in life besides Facebook and the Internet.”

Every time she says that to me I look at my computer.

Than I look at her and realize that she is absolutely right.

There are other things in life that are more important.

And she is definitely the most important one of them all.

That realization is usually followed by a quick pushing of the…


…button on the computer.

During the three months or so that I was sick I avoided going onto Facebook.

I didn’t feel like dealing with everyone’s opinion on every subject in the world.


And the thought of seeing one more ‘Cute Kitty’ video!


Well, that was making me feel sicker than I already was.

So I stayed away.


Day after day.

Week after week.

Month after month.

Time was flying by.

I hardly noticed the months passing.

But…as it is in life so it was with my sickness.

It ended!

Finally, the cloudy vale of sickness had been lifted from me.

My mind was clear.

My body felt energized.

I was ready to get back to the business of living my life.

I was ready to take on the world.

So what was the first thing I did…that’s right!

I went onto Facebook.

I had to know what I had missed.



…did I miss?chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

How many people have…


…my account?chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

How many newchip-ragsdale-you-have-new-friends…do I have?chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

How many…


…do I have?chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

What were all the…chip-ragsdale-its-the-word-events…I missed.chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

Was anyone trying to…chip-ragsdale-its-the-word-contact…me?chip-ragsdale-red-line-paragraph-break

Were there any new…



My finger tips were full of electricity.

I typed the necessary digits required to enter my account.

Miss-spelling words (of course) and re-typing them in.

Ohhhhhhhh, the excitement is almost unbearable.

I can’t wait to see that old familiar welcome screen.

All my personal information.

Everything you’d ever want to know about me.

There for all to see.

It’s been a while since I’ve visited my ‘Little Friend’ Facebook.

I was starting to feel like a child on Christmas morning.

While waiting for my Bio screen to appear I began to wonder:

“Has Facebook changed any?”

“A New Look?”

“A New Color Scheme?”


“What is taking so long for Facebook to come up?” I found myself thinking.

It was taking a very long time to come up.

Too long!

So I decided to exit out of the internet and try again.

You know how that is.

I probably typed something in wrong and screwed something up.

I was so excited about getting back onto Facebook.

“Okay…I’m back on the internet.”

“There’s the Login screen.”

“Enter the required information.”

“Okay, that’s done.”

“Now just click on the ‘CONFIRM’ button.”



“Say what?”

“I must have typed something wrong.”

“Okay, login again.”


Ten minutes later I’m pulling my hair out still trying to log into my account.

Still no luck.

Facebook did not recognize my Email Address, my Phone Number, my User Name or my Password.

There was no record of my…


…on Facebook.

I was almost in tears.

I never heard of anyone being dropped from Facebook for not being on everyday.

Or just because they weren’t active on their account for a few months.

I also have a Web Page and a Blog on the internet.

I had not been on line with them for a month or so also.

I immediately went on line to check them out.

Yes…my Website is okay.

And yes…my Blog is also alive and well and on line.


I began thinking about what I’ve posted on them.

Did I have something to worry about?

Not that I felt that I had Posted anything that…



It’s just that I wasn’t sure what the heck…


…acceptable anymore.

Did I do something wrong?

Did I insult someone?

Did I say or do something political that Facebook didn’t like?

I started going over mentally everything I have on Facebook, my Website and my Blog.

At this time there are a lot of issues with Facebook, Google, Yahoo and others.

Blocking and Dropping accounts.

Shadowing and Ghosting accounts

Misleading search results.

Privacy Violations.

Legal Matters.

Invasion of Rights.

Political Differences.

You name it and they are being accused of it.

So what was going on with my account?

Was I caught up in this “Fight Over The Internet?”

I could not access my account was all I knew.

I was going to contact Facebook to see what the problem was.

I entered onto Facebook’s Contact page and typed in a lengthy inquire.

“What is going on with my account?” I wanted to know.

Choosing my words very carefully.

I don’t want to be…


…from the internet for life…if you know what I mean.

There it was ready to send.

My email of discontent about my discontent with Facebook.

“What did I do?”

“Did I offend someone?

“Did I type a “Banned” word?”

“Did I hurt someones feelings?”

“Why is my account not accessible?”

“I want answers!”


Is what I demanded to know.

The email is all ready to go.

I could not have added another query to it.

It was a Masterpiece of literature.

All I have to do is hit the SEND button and all will be well with the world.

That’s all I have to do.

Click on the SEND button.

Just do it already.

Click that button!

But I didn’t.

For some reason I started too…but I didn’t.

I found Myself asking Myself:

“Do you really want to get back on Facebook?”

“Do you really want to waste hours of your life each day doing nothing…again?”

“Do you really want to watch and listen to other peoples opinions all day…again?”

“To be confronted with images and comments that gets your blood boiling…again?”

“To feel left out because of the wonderful things everyone is doing…except you…again?”

“All the wonderful vacations.”

“The great nights out at the clubs?”

“The new toys purchased by others that you could never afford.”

“Do you really want to subject yourself to all this…again?”

“Well…do You?”

“You’ve spent months not letting yourself being subjected to a daily dose of abuse from Facebook.”

“And you liked it.”

“You’ve cured yourself from this involuntary, out of control, compulsive syndrome of having to be on Facebook…

all the time.”

Here I was with mouse in hand and I was ready to fight with Facebook for my right to be on Facebook.


I didn’t.

I sat for several minutes starring at the email I was about to send.

I wasn’t thinking of anything.

I just sat there staring at the computer screen.

A new feeling began to come over me.

It was a powerful feeling.

A feeling of ‘Commitment’.

I had felt this feeling before.

It was Myself talking with Myself.

What I was telling Myself was…

“You’d better listen to what I’m about to tell you.”

At that moment my hand began moving the mouse.

I was moving the on-screen pointer with the mouse to the top-right corner of the computer screen.

All the way up to the infamous…


I clicked on it.

I just…


…out of Facebook!


The email disappeared and the screen went blank.

The Contact email was…



I got up and shut the computer off.

All of a sudden I didn’t care anymore.

I didn’t care that I couldn’t access my Facebook account.

The feeling was uplifting.

I was free.

I quit the habit.

I left Facebook and didn’t care.

No withdrawal symptoms.

No pains or regrets.

I felt relived and proud of myself.

I’ve had one other moment in my life were I was faced with a severe addition.

I knew I had to quit or it would be the death of me.

So I quit.

And to this day I’ve still quit!

On September 11, 2011…

In memory of the lives lost at the Twin Towers in New York…

I quit smoking cigarettes.

Innocent lives were taken due to no wrong doing of their own.

Senselessly taken.

And here I was every day chipping away from my very own life.

Through my own actions.

Smoking cigarettes.

So I quit!

I was born in 1950 and I started smoking at the age of nine.

In 2011 I was sixty one years old.

So lets see: 1959 to 2011, my, my, my…that’s fifty-two years of smoking!


I quit cold turkey.

And that’s just what I did with Facebook on July 4, 2019.

I did not “fight for my right – to party” on Facebook that day.

Instead…I quit the habit.





July 25, 2019.

I haven’t Posted this article yet.

I like to re-read the articles I’ve written several times before I release them.

Trying to catch spelling or punctuation errors and the like.

Basically to make sure the article makes sense.

Anyway, just thought you’d like to know:

I am still off Facebook and could not be happier.

I talk with my friends now on the telephone.

And I do mean talk


And believe it or not, we actually visit each other.

In person.

Imagine that?





I’ve been pretty busy lately with getting back to being myself after being sick.

Still I haven’t released this post yet…


Today the most unusual thing happened to me.

Someone please Que-up the ‘Mysterious Music’ sound effect.

July 28, 2019…late afternoon.

Today I received a ‘Comment’ on my Blog.

It was from a lovely young lady commenting on an article I had Posted some time ago.

I clicked on the article she was commenting on from within her comment.

Through some magical portal within the universe I was transported from her comment to Facebook.

And not just to Facebook but right onto my Facebook page.

I was in Facebook and was on my account?

And…I was logged in?

How did that happen?

I had no idea.

I was confused as to what had just happened.

I did a reality check as to where I was.

Yes, it was my Facebook Page and I was logged into my account.

There was even a message for me.

“Welcome back Chip…What’s on your mind today?”

“What’s on my mind?”

I’ll tell you what’s on my mind…




That’s what was on my mind.

What’s going on here?

Almost two hours pass and I realized that I was still on Facebook.

I was trying to catch up on all the things that I had missed out on.

And there was plenty of it to be sure.


It all of a sudden hit me.

“Here I go again.”

“I’m back on Facebook.”

I was being sucked in again.

Already I could tack on two more hours of my life wasted.


I had fallen back into the same old trap.

Two hours had passed me by as I did nothing.

I exited out of Facebook and shut the computer off.

“What just happened here?”

“Did I really click on a comment from my Blog and it Logged me into my Facebook account?”

“The account that I had just been told didn’t exist in this universe?”

About an hour later I was so bothered by what had happened that I decided to send an email to Facebook.

I wanted them know about this unusual situation that I was experiencing.

So…I get back on the computer.

I try to log onto my Facebook account…



Once again my account was unassailable to me.

I was unable to logon my account…


Almost another hour was spent trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

I went back to the Comment I had received from the ‘very lovely young lady’ and was able to access my account again.

I tried it again.

And again.

One more time.

Each time I was able to access my account that way.

Then I tried to logon the regular way…



I did not exist on Facebook?

My Phone Number, Address, User Name and Password were not recognized.

I gave up!

Totally confused I turned off the computer and walked away…


I don’t know what is happening with my account or with Facebook.

I don’t care anymore.

Even though I have this “‘Back-door” to my account, and I probably could get this all squared away with Facebook.

I don’t want to.

At first I was pleased to see I had access to my account.

But then I remembered…






My final word on this matter:

To answer the question that I ask in the title of this post:








For visiting my Blog.



…my Website.

My Blog (where you are now) is where I share with you the stories of my ‘Personal Life’ and my experiences as a ‘Musician’.

My Website is where you will find the ‘Business’ aspects of my ‘Music Career’.

Questions concerning Pricing, Booking, What style music I play, Where I am currently performing can all be answered there.

Click on the link below…





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Or be notified when I release a new Post on my Blog?

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Always remember.

No matter where you go…

There you are.

